The Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac

What happens when a blues band wraps itself in mysticism and transforms into classic rock legends? They become Fleetwood Mac. Coming from humble beginnings deeply rooted in the blues, they would retool and morph their sound, emerging as a group that perfectly captured the tension and excitement of both the era’s excesses and their own.

Perhaps underrated in early outings, their lineup and sound would make slight shifts and progressions. However, an undeniable new titan emerged when the band took on Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham in 1974. After the release of the Fleetwood Mac Rumours album in 1977, the band formed classic rock n' roll royalty.

While the ​​Fleetwood Mac Rumours album would go on to be their landmark album selling over 40 million copies, the band would enjoy success well into the '80s before finally succumbing to self-inflicted wounds — wounds that made themselves clear in the albums released over the preceding decade. As a testament to the strength of their artistic chemistry, they would reunite in the '90s and record together again.

Our Fleetwood Mac record selection includes the greatest hits and must-have classic albums that represent the band's emotionally charged whimsy, self-awareness, and glory. With our extensive Fleetwood Mac vinyl record collection, you will find everything from live super deluxe editions to Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac vinyl. Shop today!

Fleetwood Mac

From the Reviews


"I never would have thought that having a turntable untethered from my stereo would be so liberating, but it’s a game-changer. To be able to spin vinyl from anywhere — where I’m working, where I’m entertaining — seems like not a big deal until you experience it."

"Sweet little portable turntable. Love the Bluetooth functionality combined with the old school vinyl experience. Suitcase design makes it easy to take anywhere and the sound quality is awesome!"

"I have the Empire and just love it. It is designed beautifully, and I can also use it for CD's and radio. I can't believe how great it is to listen to my old records. It feels like home again."

"I am a huge Vinyl collector, I have everything from movie sound tracks to classic rock legends. However, your average radio player doesn’t play them, so I haven’t even gotten to listen to any of them! That’s when I found this product -- and I ABSOLUTELY love it!"

"First off, it just looks good. Just a stylish addition to the living room. It is really simple and sounds really good. Overall we are very happy with purchasing this record player. The quality is perfect too."